Fitness Tests

As part of our 12wbt journey, we complete a fitness test every four weeks as a checker or measurement of our progress - one of many of course.

Recently when I performed my fitness test I could tell I wasn't at my best that I've been through these past 3.5 years. So I thought I'd plot it all on graphs to get a visual of where I'm at against where I started and where my best results were.

I'm going to add to this each quarter now. I think having it in graph form really tells you the truth about where you're sitting.

Overall Fitness Score:


After you have entered all of your results in the 12wbt form, the website calculates your overall fitness score. This then slots you into a category of what type of exercise program they recommend you to do.

  • 20 - 40 - Beginner or Learn to Run
  • 40 - 55 - Intermediate or 10k Running
  • 55 - 80 - Advanced or 1/2 Marathon
  • 80 - 100 - Full Marathon
  • 65+ - Lean and Strong (a strength focused program)
100 is the top score you can get.

You can see from the graph above, and the graphs following, that it hasn't always been a progressive steady increase in my fitness. My results have reflected a number of factors - times when my efforts and consistency wasn't there, and of course the time when my lower back was badly injured and I basically ceased any form of exercise.

It's all about improvement though, and I intend to keep those graphs heading in an upwards direction!

Specific Tests:


Upper Body Strength:

How many pushups (on your knees) can you do until failure?



Core Strength:

How long can you do a plank on your knees until failure?



Aerobic Capacity:

How quickly can you run 1kms?



This is tested by a thing called "sit & reach". I'd never heard of it before doing the 12wbt program. And it's a bit of strange test to get your head around at first.

It basically tests the flexibility of the  hamstrings and lower back muscles. If you read my blog you will know that hammies & the lower back region aren't exactly my bread & butter.

This is what the test looks like:

Sit and Reach flexibility testYou basically reach forward as far as you can, keeping the entire back of your legs on the floor. You measure how far or short you are from your feet when you reach. Ie. Where your feet are is measured at 0cms. If you can't reach to your feet it's a negative measurement eg. 5cms short of your feet - your result is -5. How many cms you get past your feet is measured at a positive. Eg. 7cms past your toes - your result is 7.

This is not as easy as it looks! Especially when you're training your body so hard on cardio and running - those hamstrings take a beating and clench up.



Lower Body Strength:

Tested via "the wall sit" aka THE DEVIL!!!

Ouch these guys hurt. Lean against a wall with your legs at a 90 degree angle, until you drop.

I really struggle with these ones. When I first started 12wbt I couldn't even hold it for more than 10 seconds. My legs were jelly. Now days it's killing me but I just can't seem to crack that 1 minute mark. I'm determined to do so though. Enough is enough!


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